Yoga for menopause.
Menopause is a part of every woman's life. It is the stage when your menstrual period permanently stops. This stage usually occurs between the age of 40 and 60 associated with hormonal, physical and psychological changes. These changes can occur gradually or abruptly. It can start as early as the age of 30 and last until as late as the age of 60. It can also occur when the ovaries are removed or stopped functioning. Menopause is not an illness but it is a natural biological process.
Symptoms include irregular menstruation, changes in sexual desire, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and urinary problems, changes in appearance, mood changes, sleep disturbances, palpitations and backaches.
Types of menopause and their symptoms according to AYURVEDA
1) Vata dominated menopause –
Nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, depression, lack of skin tone, mild hot flashes, constipation, vaginal dryness.
2) Pitta dominated menopause –
Anger, irritability, short temper, hot flashes, night sweats, urinary tract infections, skin rashes
3) Kapha dominated menopause –
weight gain, sleepiness, sluggishness, yeast infections, slow digestion, fluid retention
The symptomatic treatment depends on the dosha in which the menopausal symptoms are manifesting. The key to a smooth transition through menopause is to work out which dosha has the imbalance according to which symptoms are currently causing a problem and then try to calm or balance that dosha.
Balancing Vata dominated menopause Vata is naturally cold, light and dry, if these tendencies are increased causing the vata dominated menopause symptoms you can balance them by using the opposite qualities. Make sure your drinks are warm and that you are eating warm food rather than salads. Try and eat your meals at regular times and go to bed early. Learn relaxation techniques, meditation and yoga, these will help to calm your nervous system and make you feel more secure and confident. Decrease caffeine, sugar and other stimulants. Spices such as fennel, cumin, cardamom and ginseng are beneficial. Liquorice and linseed can help with constipation problems.
Balancing Pitta dominated menopause Pitta is naturally hot, oily and intense; if these tendencies are increased causing the pitta dominated menopause symptoms you can balance them using the opposite qualities. Increase the amount of cold water you drink and cold foods you eat. Have more sweat juicy fruits such as melons, apples, plums, mango, pears etc. Stay out of the hot sun and try to avoid eating hot spicy foods, hot drinks and stay away from alcohol. Try not to work yourself into a frenzy the less aggravation you have the better; meditation is a great way to help keep yourself calm. Shatavari is an excellent herb to take for menopause, it has general cooling qualities which help reduce the hot flash symptoms and help you to cope with mood swings.
Balancing Kapha dominated menopause Kapha is naturally cold, oily and heavy; if these tendencies are increased causing kapha dominated menopause symptoms you can balance them using the opposite qualities. Eat light, dry, warm food and avoid refined sugars, white flour, pasta and potatoes. Eating fruit, whole grains, legumes, and lots of vegetables will be beneficial. Get up early prior to 6 am is preferable, use the vata energy that is dominant at this time to keep you alert and motivate you for the entire day. Kapha women can tend to be heavier and prone to weight gain, so it is important to exercise and stay active if you are prone to kapha imbalances. Exercise will help with fluid retention, weight gain, improving your mood, energy and memory.
Yoga asnas for menopause -
Do this sequence of yoga in order to reduce the intensity of menopausal symptoms.
Tadasana (Mountain pose)
It improves your stamina.
1) Stand upright with feet together.
2) Keep arms and legs toghether and back straight.
3) Keep abdomen tucked in, with chest forward & shoulders behind.
4) Maintain the pose & breathe normally.
5) For increasing height - raise the heels & balance on the toes, while raising the hands above the head parallel to each other.
Duration & repetition-
1) maintain the pose for 20 to 30 seconds.
2) Repeat the pose for 2 times
Vrukshasana (Tree pose)
Improves balance.
Strengthens the knee joints.
1) Stand in tadasana.
2) Take right leg up & place foot on left thigh as high as possible, toes pointing downwards.
3) Keep the left leg straight & do not bend the knee.
4) Inhale & raise both hands up straight over the head , make a namaskar pose with the hands.
5) Maintain the pose & breathe normally
6) Exhale & return to original pose.
7) Repeat the pose to other side too.
Duration & repetition-
1) Maintain the pose for 30 to 60 seconds
2) Repeat the pose both side for 2 times.
Uttanasan (spine streching pose)
streches spine.
massages the abdominal organs.
1) stand straight on the yoga mat.
2) Inhale & raise hands above head palms facing to forward.
3) Exhale & slowly bend forward try to touch toes or else you can touch the floor or to leg.
4) slowly you will be more comfertable in this asna /pose.
5) Do not bend knees & try to keep neck relaxed.
6) Maintain the pose & breathe normaly.
7) Inhale & return to original pose.
Duration and Repetitions-
1) Maintain the pose for 30 to 60 secs.
2) Repeat the pose for 2 times.
Bhujangasan (cobra pose)Strenghthen complete spine
Strengthens joints of upper extremities.
1) Lie on the abdomen on the floor.
2) Bend elbows and bring hands close to the shoulder with palms placed on the floor.
3) Inhale and raise hand ,neck,chest & upper abdomen off the floor.
4) Keep remaining part of the body on the floor.
5) While doing this keep,hips,thighs,keens firm.
6) Extend the neck fully & pull the shoulders backward.
7) Maintain the pose & breathe normally
8) Exhale & return to original pose.
Pachimottanasana (Back spine stretching pose)Tones complete spine.
Improves digestion.
1) Sit in Dandasana.
2) Exhale and lean forward, hold the toes with the help of hands (hold the feet in the middle of the sole.
3) Move more further/forward and downwards from hip to legs.
4) Try to touch your head or nose in between the knees.
5) Do not force yourself to touch your head to knee.
6) You can take folded blanket on knee and touch your head to the blanket.
Durations and Repetitions-
1) Maintain the pose for 20 to 30 secs.
2) Repeat it for 1 to 2 times
Pavanmuktasana (Gas releasing pose)This asana is good for digestive disorders - dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation and colitis.
Reduces obesity of abdomen, thighs and arms.
1) Lie on back.
2) Exhale and bend both knees.
3) Hold both knees with locked hands.
4) Press thighs gently towards lower abdomen.
5) Raise head up and touch forehead to knees.
6) Maintain the pose and breathe normally.
7) Inhale and return to original pose.
Durations and Repetitions-
1) Try to maintain the pose upto 30 to 60 secs.
2) Repeat the pose for 3 to 4 times.
Vibhadrasana 2 (warrior pose -2)
Improves stamina.
Removes stiffness from all joints. Method-
1) Stand in tadasana.
2) Keep 4 feet distance between both feet with arms parallel to floor.
3) Turn left foot out making 90 & right foot in making 30.
4) Bend left leg to a right angle allowing to torso to descend vertically downwards.
5) Look forward & at left hand finger.
6) Maintain the pose & breathe normaly.
7) Inhale & return to the original pose by retracing steps
8) Repeat pose on opposite side.
Uthita trikonasana (Extended Triangle pose)
Improves stamina & balance
Strengthens spine & the neck.
1) Stand in tadasana.
2) Inhale & keep apart legs 3 feets.
3) Raise the arms & keep it parallel to floor.
4) Turn the left foot out 90 & the right feet in 30.
5) Exhale & bend the upper part of body towards the left & try to touch the palm to the floor but close to behind the left feet.
6) Raise right arm up & keep it in the level other arm.
7) Try to look at right hand fingures.
8) Maintain the pose & breathe normally.
9) Inhale & return to the original post by doing the steps in revrse order.
10) Repeat the pose on the other side too.
Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
Increase blood flow to pelvic organs
Reduce fat around thighs & calves.
1) Sit on floor with both feet straight.
2) Bend right knee & place outer border of right foot on the left groin.
3) Bend left knee & place outer border of left foot on the right groin. Try to keep both heels near to groin so that bothknees as close to each other as possible.
4) Keep back straight.
5) Maintain the pose & breathe normaly.
6) Return to original pose by retracting the steps.
Anulom Vilom PranayamMethod-
1) Sit in padmasana,virasana or sukhasana.
2) Keep back erect.
3) Keep neck erect.
4) Shoulders behind.
5) With right hand,close index finger & middle finger.
6) Keep right hand thumb for controlling right nostril.
7) Keep right ring finger for controlling left nostril.
8) Now the actual procedure-
a) Breathe in through left nostril
b) Breathe out through right nostril
c) Breathe in through right nostril d) Breathe out through left nostril. This is one cycle
Do this pramayam with closing eyes and with full concentration.
Duration &Repetation-
1) 20 -30 cycles = 1 set
2) so do 2-3 sets per day
Dhyan mediation
It lowers blood pressure & pulse rate.
Gives you good & sound sleep.
1) Sit in sukhasan.
2) Join both palms to form namaskar pose in front of chest.
3) Close your eyes,& concentrate in between mid eyebrows
.4) Breath normaly
5) Relax your mind.
Duration -Maintain the pose for 5-10 mins.
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