Yoga is an ancient Indian body of knowledge that dates back more than 5000 years ago. The word "Yoga" came from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate." Today ,interest in heath consciousness is attracting people from all over the world to earn better health in body and contentment in mind. now a days people are looking towords natural ways of approch in health & happiness.This search has brought YOGA in our daliy life.Yoga keeps our inner body and inner mind clean & clear to lead a life of benevolence. The practice of Yoga Exercises or Asanas can improve your health, increase your resistance, and develope your mental awareness. Doing the Yoga Poses requires you to study each pose and execute it slowly as you control your body and your mind.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Yoga to reduce Diabetes.

Adhomukha Virasana (Down facing hero's pose)

Quietens the mind and reduces tension.
It reduces fat around the thighs & calves.

1) Sit in Virasan.
2) Bend forward and rest on the floor.
3) Touch your forehead to ground.
4) Straighten both hands in front of your head by touching both palms toghether.

Duration and Repetitions-
1) Maintain the pose for 30 to 60 secs.
2) Repeat the pose for 2 times.

Supta Virasan (hero's pose in lying position)

Reduces congestion in pelvic organs.
Straightens and tones the spine.

1) Sit in Virasan.
2) Recline back and rest elbows on the floor.
3) Slowly allow the head and back to rest on the floor.
4) Now straighten the arm over the head, palm facing upward.
5) Maintain the pose and breathe normally.
6) Exhale and slowly return to original pose.


Durations and Repetitions-
1) Maintain the pose for 30 to 60 secs or as much as

2) Repeat the pose 1-2 times

Pavanmuktasana (Gas releasing pose)
This asana is good for digestive disorders - dyspepsia,flatulence, constipation and colitis.
Reduces obesity of abdomen, thighs and arms.

1) Lie on back.
2) Exhale and bend both knees.
3) Hold both knees with locked hands.
4) Press thighs gently towards lower abdomen.
5) Raise head up and touch forehead to knees.
6) Maintain the pose and breathe normally.
7) Inhale and return to original pose.

Durations and Repetitions-
1) Try to maintain the pose upto 30 to 60 secs.
2) Repeat the pose for 3 to 4 times.

Bhujangasan (cobra pose) Strenghthen complete spine.
Strengthens joints of upper extremities.

1) Lie on the abdomen on the floor.
2) Bend elbows and bring hands close to the shoulder with palms placed on the floor.
3) Inhale and raise hand ,neck,chest & upper abdomen off the floor.
4) Keep remaining part of the body on the floor.
5) While doing this keep,hips,thighs,keens firm.
6) Extend the neck fully & pull the shoulders
7) Maintain the pose & breathe normally
8) Exhale & return to original pose.


Massages abdominal organ (incase of Diabetes massages pancrease which will produce more insulin)
Quietens and rejuvenates the mind.

1)Lie on the back with feet together palm close to the body.
2) slowly bend your knees & rest thighs on the lower abdomen.
3) Exhale & lift hips & thighs to 60 degree & support them with palms.
4) Exhale & lift trunk & thighs to a vertical position while support your back with palms.
5) If possible slides palms down on the back towards head till chest touches chin.
6) keep legs straight.
7) maintain the pose & breath normally.
8) Now release the legs and lower trunk and gently to the floor on the head side,bringing arms upwards under the legs at the same time.


9) Raise the trunk further up to vertical level by contracting muscles of the thighs.
10) By placing hands in middle of the back and lifting it.
11) Release hands and strech them back in a direction opposite to that of legs.
12) Maimtain the pose and breathe normaly.
13)Exhale and return to the sarvanganasana and then to the original position.

Duration and repetation-
1) maintain the pose for 15-20 sec.
2) Repeate the pose for 2 times.
3) For dibetic people-- follow this asna reguraly if possible.

Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaj's pose)
Narrows the waist.
Works on the endocrine glands and reduces excess fats.

1) Sit in Dandasana.
2) Bend both knees pointing to the right and feet to the left.
3) Exhale and twist trunk towards the right.
4) Put left hand under the right thigh with palm facing floor.
5) Take right hand behind back and hold the left arm.
6) Look towards left side at the shoulder level.
7) Maintain the pose and breathe normally.
8) Inhale and return to original position.
9) Repeat pose on the opposite side.

Duration and Repetitions-
1) Maitain the pose for 30 secs.
2) Repeat the asana 2 to 3 times each side

Janu Shirsasana (Head to knee pose)

Tones complete spine and abdomen.
Reduces strain and stress.

1) Sit in Dandasana.
2) Bend right knee horizontally, place right foot against the left foot as high as possible.
3) Twist towards left with back straight and bring trunk in line with left leg.
4) Exhale and then bend trunk and arm forward to hold sides of foor of extended leg.
5) Allow the head to touch left knee if possible.
6) Do not force to touch your head to knee.
7) Maintain the pose and breathe normally.
8) Repeat to other side also.

Durations and Repetitions-
1) Maintain the pose for 20 to 30 secs.
2) Repeat the pose for 1 or 2 times.

Pachimottanasana (Back spine stretching pose)

Tones complete spine.
Improves digestion.

1) Sit in Dandasana.
2) Exhale and lean forward, hold the toes with the help of hands (hold the feet in the middle of the sole.
3) Move more further/forward and downwards from hip to legs.
4) Try to touch your head or nose in between the knees.
5) Do not force yourself to touch your head to knee.
6) You can take folded blanket on knee and touch your head to the blanket.

Durations and Repetitions-
1) Maintain the pose for 20 to 30 secs.
2) Repeat it for 1 to 2 times.

Anulom vilom pranayam

1) Inhale through the left nostril, closing the right nostril with the right thumb, to the count of four.
2) Hold the breath, closing both nostrils, to the count of sixteen.
3) Exhale through the right nostril, closing the left nostril with the ring and little fingers, to the count of eight.
4) Inhale through the right nostril, keeping the leftnostril closed with the ring and little fingers, to the count of four.
5) Hold the breath, closing both nostrils, to the count of sixteen.
6) Exhale through the left nostril, keeping the rightnostril closed with the right thumb, to the count of eight.
In short
Breathe in --- through left nostril
Breathe out --- through right nostril
Breathe in --- through right nostril
Breathe out --- through left nostril.
This completes one cycle

1) It produces optimum function to both sides of the brain. The left side of brain is responsible for logical thinking and the right side is responsible for creative thinking to function properly. This will lead to a balance between a person's creative and logical thinking.
2)It calms the mind and the Nervous System.

Do 2 sets of 15 cycle each.
You can increase it by 2 sets of 30 cycle each.


Bharathy said...

I have apasion for ayurveda,since born and brought up in kerala,and my medicine rack has more stalk of the ayurvedic medicines..

I am equally intersted in Yoga as well,as it neutralised my High BP during my post delivery phase..

Good step by step illustrations

You have a very informative blog here...

Will keep visiting..

Anonymous said...

hi aparna
nice blog..accidentally came across ur blog.very informative and very useful.cud u post some asanas which cud help in rejuvanating the facial skin and help it to glow?
looking forward to ur reply
thank you.keep up the good work

Vaidya Aparna S. Pattewar said...

Hey thx Bharathy.
I knw in kerla Ayurveda is very popular.
Thx for visiting my blog.

Vaidya Aparna S. Pattewar said...

some asnas for rejuvanating the facial skin and help it to glow
1) Do kapalbhati pranayam (see in pranayam section)

2)simhasana ( lion pose) I will explain this asna in coming post.

these 2 asnas are good for facial skin.
they will make ur skin glow & wrinkle free. if u practise them daily.

Sharmi said...

thanks for this post. very useful for my whole family. I do yoga once a week being very lazy:)

Sia said...

very informative post aparna... thanks for the detailed instructions

Vaidya Aparna S. Pattewar said...

@ sharmi & sia,
thax a lot.

Unknown said...

Hi Aparna, excellent write-up!
The illustrations were great and easy to understand. Looks like I have to keep visiting. I will definitely recommend to family and friends.

Vaidya Aparna S. Pattewar said...

Hi Dev,
Thanx a lot for ur valuable comment.keep visiting my blog :-)

Unknown said...

A very informative n useful a eyeopener for me as well....use to do yoga, a yr ago...bu' somehow couldn't continue...n now after going through ur blog...i'm inspired..hope can restart...n will bug u for advice:-)

Vaidya Aparna S. Pattewar said...

Hey smita,
thax a lot dear.

jahnavi said...

Hi Aparna...I have been a regular visitor to your site since past few days.I like the way you keep your blog interesting,informative and inspiring...Keep up the good work,will keep visiting.

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for nice information about yoga with pranayama.

Dayalan said...

Doctor, I really thank you for orderly explanation. It is going be useful for my practice.
